Global Audience
From Amazon to brick and mortar bookstores, your book is available where readers shop
Format Options
Create both print and ebooks for distribution
One Dashboard
View all your book sales and revenue on Lulu
Distribution Guides
Global Distribution Guide
Requirements and guidance to create a print or ebook ready for Global Distribution.
How To Sell With Global Distribution
Books using Global Distribution have some limitations based on the retailers we work with. You'll see which options are available on the Design step.
Start Your Project
Select Global Distribution when setting your Project goal.
Add Copyright & Metadata
Important information like your ISBN, used to identify your book.
Design Your Book
Upload your file and select from the available paper, ink, and binding options.
Add Details, Pricing & Payees
Finalize your book with a description and tell us how you want to be paid.
Approval And Fees
For print books, order a copy to proof and approve for distribution. For ebooks, pay the one-time distribution fee to submit your ebook for approval.
Global Distribution Submission
With your proof approved, retailers will review your book and list it within 8 weeks.