DESTINY With My Two Mommies Who Love Me!!
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This is a short-illustrated work of art following young Destiny during a typical weekend with her Mothers who celebrate the love they have for their daughter. The story represents how her parents promote positive self-imaging and self-esteem through simple words and actions. Since it is said that the relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you’ll have, the Mommies want to feed confident affirmations to uplift their child and to develop an attitude and a spirit of success that become their child’s normal mindset.
- Veröffentlicht am
- 6. Jan. 2020
- Sprache
- Englisch
- 9781734365511
- Kategorie
- Kinder
- Copyright
- Alle Rechte vorbehalten - Standard-Urheberrechtslizenz
- Autoren/Mitwirkende
- Von (Autor): K. Ron Edwards
- Seiten
- 34
- Bindung
- Heftstich
- Farbe für den Innenteil des Buches
- Farbe
- Abmessungen
- Quadrat (8.5 x 8.5 Zoll / 216 x 216 mm)